May 28, 29 and 30, 2024 | Evenementenhal Gorinchem

ChemDry Wouters B.V.

ChemDry Wouters B.V.

Over ons

The expert in specialist cleaning,

ChemDry Wouters has been the expert in specialist cleaning for both private individuals and companies since 1991. ChemDry is the market leader in carpet and upholstery cleaning. Many (meters) of carpet and many different pieces of furniture are cleaned annually using an environmentally friendly and pH neutral method, based on carbon dioxide.

In addition to cleaning carpet, furniture and floors, there are other specialist services. Cleaning cruise ships, facade cleaning, fire-retardant impregnation, graffiti removal and others. In addition to our own services, there is also a partnership with Schoonmaakorganization Wouters B.V. to perform each other’s services in the most adequate manner. This creates a full-service cleaning company for both organizations.





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