May 20, 21 and 22, 2025 | Evenementenhal Gorinchem

Meet the Smart Badge technology!

From the next edition of Maritime Industry, it will be even easier for visitors to collect information during their visit. With the arrival of the “Smart Badge technology”, the visitor can easily scan the interesting stands with the visitor badge that they receive upon arrival.

The next morning, the visitor receives all information from the scanned stands directly in the mailbox. The exhibitor fills in his or her online profile prior to the event and all information from this profile is forwarded to the visitor after the trade show visit. The more extensive the exhibitor fills his or her online profile, the more relevant information the visitor collects. Even when there is no face-to-face conversation with the exhibitor on the exhibition floor, the visitor can still collect relevant information.

With the arrival of the “Smart Badge technology”, the visitor also leaves the trade show without separate leaflets and business cards, a trade show visit has never been this efficient.

How does it work?

1. Touch the badge reader of the exhibitor with your badge. The green light comes on and you hear a sound. small >

- Het groene licht gaat aan en u hoort een geluid.

2. You will receive all collected exhibitor information the next morning

EasyGo Smart Badge 3

Your benefits

Your badge is your virtual bag during your trade show visit. No more heavy catalogs!

You know perfectly which stands you have visited. You will receive an e-mail the next morning with an useful overview of your visit.

No spam - you only receive digital information from exhibitors in which you have shown an interest.

You exchange your digital business card of the exhibitors that you have visited.

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