Stand F01 ‘Inland Blackbox’ DM6000 Compact IDR DM6000 Compact IDR Dutch Marine Technology heeft een maritieme Dutch Marine Technology BV
Stand D34 (Bouwkundige) terreininrichting Terreininrichting is (naast grondwerkzaamheden, aanleg van riolering en aanbrengen RvB Groep
Stand E32 #SEAFAReady! Newbuildings offer owners the opportunity to effortlessly integrate the Seafar NV
Stand L55 #Tank-Eye Vapour Lock Valve Product: Tank-Eye Vapor Lock Valve 2-inch Material: Corrosion resistant Tank-Eye
Stand L46 Aanha MotorAfsluiter Kenmerken : – Korte looptijd – Stroomverbruik alleen bij Aandrijf- en Besturingstechniek Hartholt V.O.F.
Stand G04 Accu`s Accu`s voor verlichting- en startdoeleinden. Onderhoudsvrij of open in Van Andel Rotterdam B.V.
Stand L55 Adaptor for Gas meter equipment (1-inch) Product: Adaptor for Gas meter equipment (1-inch) Tube length: Tank-Eye
Stand G16 ADVANCE HCD1000 – 4,905:1 MEDIUM/HEAVY DUTY GEARBOX Reference number A-HCD1000-4,905 Brand Advance Model Pool Trading BV
Stand F01 AIS KAT330 The Koden KAT-330 Class A AIS (Automatic Identification System) Dutch Marine Technology BV
Stand B22 Åkerströms Sesam 800 M4 W Mobile System Åkerströms Sesam 800 M4 Winch Mobile transmitter – Frequency: Remote Control Parts BV
Stand H21 ALARM MONITORING SYSTEMS MACS V4.0 (AMS) – Van der Leun Electrical Marine Systems Van der Leun’s MACS Alarm Monitoring System is a Van der Leun Installatiebouw BV
Stand H21 Allround system integrator Allround system integrator All-around system integrator Van der Leun Van der Leun Installatiebouw BV
Stand E18 Aluminium Construction We have a full-fledged warehouse where we build aluminium Scheepswerf Boer
Stand B12 Argonics Trackpilot The Argonics Trackpilot works seamlessly with the Periskal Viewer. Periskal
Stand B22 Autec LK6 protective / carrying case Autec LK6 protective / carrying case ROCING00P0013 (LK) & Remote Control Parts BV
Stand L46 Besturingstechniek – maatwerk Aandrijf- en besturingstechniek Hartholt ontwerpt, maakt en stelt uw Aandrijf- en Besturingstechniek Hartholt V.O.F.
Stand H21 Betabridge – Van der Leun Electrical Marine Systems The manufacture of wheelhouse desks has been one of Van der Leun Installatiebouw BV
Stand L04 Binnenvaartkrant is the specialist journal with the biggest reach in the Rhine- and inlandshipping, cruising, fishery and dredging. Binnenvaartkrant is the trade magazine with the largest reach Riomar BV
Stand H21 Cable chains van der Leun Cable chains serve to guide the loose cables and Van der Leun Installatiebouw BV
Stand E09 Cargos The Cargos Chartering application contributes to the efficient daily Aspect ICT B.V.
Stand J08 CCC – Connected Coil Carrier The connected coil carrier is present on board more PTC, HVC, Genco Scheepvaart & Den Breejen Bevrachtingen
Stand B08 CFD FOR OPTIMISING HULL DESING AND COMPARING ENERGY SYSTEMS Pushboat-barge convoys offer great flexibility for inland cargo transport, MARIN
Stand D34 Civil engineering Engineering for permits, new construction, design, research and planning. RvB Groep
Stand L55 Closed Sampler GTN Product: Closed Sampler N (2-inch) Material: Corrosion-resistant stainless steel Tank-Eye
Stand I45 Coastal Shipping Our subsidiary Amadeus Schiffahrts- und Speditions GmbH has established HGK Shipping Gmbh
Stand J24 Conical Mountings CONICAL MOUNTINGS The range of conical mountings was designed Rubber Design Bv
Stand H21 Consoles – Van der Leun Metaalbewerking Are you looking for new or replacement metal parts Van der Leun Installatiebouw BV
Stand C32 Constructions Constructions The shipbuilding department of Ruijtenberg Shipyard is also Ruijtenberg Shipyard
Stand J43 Container service Responsible business practices don’t have to be difficult or Van Pelt Recycling BV
Stand J08 Coöperatie van binnenvaartondernemers Inland shipping cooperative in which approximately 45 inland shipping PTC, HVC, Genco Scheepvaart & Den Breejen Bevrachtingen
Stand G27 Copperant Quattro Professional UV resistant lacquer paint based on vegetable binder. Shipcoat BV
Stand C32 Cranes (car) car cranes Ruijtenberg Shipyard supplies, among other things, BÜTER Ruijtenberg Shipyard
Stand J01 Decorative window coverings The Visi-Plus range consists of: – Horizontal blinds – Observator Vision
Stand F45 Demonstration Aroused your interest? Request a demo without obligation: STEELCON V.O.F
Stand J08 Den Breejen Bevrachtingen b.v. Den Breejen Bevrachtingen BV – affreightment office with specialization PTC, HVC, Genco Scheepvaart & Den Breejen Bevrachtingen
Stand E12 Digitale losverklaring Residual cargo (residues of the cargo) is released when SAB Stichting Afvalstoffen & Vaardocumenten Binnenvaart
Stand H21 Drive technology – Van der Leun Electrical Marine Systems As a pioneer in the area of drive technology, Van der Leun Installatiebouw BV
Stand G04 Dynamo`s Nieuw of gereviseerde dynamo`s voor alle typen scheepsmotoren uit Van Andel Rotterdam B.V.
Stand WMI Paviljoen 10 Electrical and hybrid propulsion The future is electric! Fully electric or hybrid propulsion Werkina Werkendam BV
Stand G05 Electrical infra-red underfloor heating, 1 mm dun Speedheat heats everywhere and always, whenever you desire. Being Speedheat Breda
Stand J12 Elektrische winchwagen n close cooperation with the KRVE, this electric winch Shipyard Rotterdam
Stand K40 Emigreen Emigreen® specialises in innovative and sustainable integrated solutions that Koedood Marine Group
Stand H21 Energy Management System (EMS) – Van der Leun Electrical Marine Systems Since its foundation 100 years ago, Van der Leun Van der Leun Installatiebouw BV
Stand D22 ePowerunit, the hybrid energy solution – Up to 80% CO2 reduction in hybrid mode Neho Speciaal Techniek B.V.
Stand G27 Epoxy coating A universal anti corrosive high solids epoxy primer/coating, based Shipcoat BV
Stand B20 Euroclydon Ventilator V1500, V3900 en V7800 Fan , to aerate, ventilate dust outlets. Nobel Products
Stand J24 Exhaust Equipment Exhaust Equipment In every situation where diesel engines are Rubber Design Bv
Stand L07 Ferro products Ferro Triofast supplies all conceivable iron fasteners. From nuts, Triofast BV
Stand C07 FlexConnect – Grip coupling FlexConnect NBR – Grip coupling – Equivalent Straub / FlexInd B.V.
Stand L36 Flexible connections We are the expert in the field of flexible EL-CON, Powergrid Solutions B.V
Stand I45 Gas Shipping Your specialist for transporting compressed liquefied gases HGK Gas HGK Shipping Gmbh
Stand K18 GRIP COUPLINGS Pipe couplings with axial gripping capacity for connecting metal J.B. Hydraulics BV
Stand H30 Groene Schroefrand Jooren Shipscrews has developed an edge, the ‘Green Screw Jooren Scheepsschroeven B.V.
Stand H21 Heat exchangers – Van der Leun Electrical Marine Systems Following the introduction of water-cooled power electronics in variable-frequency Van der Leun Installatiebouw BV
Stand K18 High Pressure Flanges High pressure flanges are used frequently in hydraulic systems. J.B. Hydraulics BV
Stand L36 High voltage connections High Voltage Always the best connection Years of experience EL-CON, Powergrid Solutions B.V
Stand D45 High-pressure hydraulics (700 bar) High pressure hydraulics from the American Power Team are NOVUS Special Tools bv
Stand J08 HVC – Handel en Vervoerders Coöperatie Inland shipping cooperative for chartering through the free market PTC, HVC, Genco Scheepvaart & Den Breejen Bevrachtingen
Stand K40 Hybrid Ship Propulsion An engine performs optimally at a certain speed. As Koedood Marine Group
Stand D45 Hydraulic flange spreaders British manufacturer Renquip offers a wide range of hydraulic NOVUS Special Tools bv
Stand C07 Hydraulic hose assemblies Get rid of hydraulic problems with Trale hydraulic hoses, FlexInd B.V.
Stand D45 Hydraulic Torque Wrench – square drive Broad range of hydraulic square drive torque wrenches available NOVUS Special Tools bv
Stand D45 Hydraulische low profile torque wrench Hydraulic low profile torque wrenches from the American manufacturer NOVUS Special Tools bv
Stand K18 Hydroscand Machines B Hydraulics BV and Hydroscand Machine AB have started J.B. Hydraulics BV
Stand F45 IBIX® 25 H2o HD sandblaster The Ibix 25 is lightweight, compact and very suitable STEELCON V.O.F
Stand L32 ICAF System for Box Coolers It reduces biological fouling thanks to the copper anodes Nederlandse Radiateuren Fabriek Bv
Stand B22 IMET® M880 Ares2 E IMET® M880 Ares2 E Original spare part The IMET® Remote Control Parts BV
Stand B22 IMET® batterij BE5000 Imet® batterij BE5000 Original spare part Code AS037 2.4V, Remote Control Parts BV
Stand B22 IMET® CR012 Battery charger IMET® CR012 Battery charger Original spare part Automatic fast Remote Control Parts BV
Stand B22 Imet® M880 Wave2 protection cover Imet® M880 Wave2 protection cover Original spare part Suitable Remote Control Parts BV
Stand B22 IMET® PWM hydra system IMET® PWM hydra systeem Easy to assemble without major Remote Control Parts BV
Stand L30 Impressed Current Anti Fouling (ICAF) Our Impressed Current Anti-fouling Systems (ICAF) and other Marine Corrosion
Stand L30 Impressed Current Cathodic Protection (ICCP) CORROSION Maritime ICCP systems are SMART and tailor-made solutions Corrosion
Stand D45 Induction heaters for bearing assembly A broad range of induction heaters for bearing (dis)assembly NOVUS Special Tools bv
Stand F45 Industriële straalset op aanhanger This industrial blasting machine is complete with 4 cubic STEELCON V.O.F
Stand Exposanten Lounge iPS Powerful People Why iPS Powerful People? iPS is your international service Easyfairs Netherlands
Stand H30 Jooren Scheepsschroeven adres Jooren Scheepsschroeven BV Papendrechtsestraat 2A 3313 CT Dordrecht 078-613.38.31 Jooren Scheepsschroeven B.V.
Stand K40 K2 | Hydrogen Power Solutions Hydrogen on board is an initiative of Koedood and Koedood Marine Group
Stand E06 Kobelt Accu-Steer continuous run pumps, Autopilot Pumps, Steering Manifolds & Hydraulic Power Units Alle pompen gebruiken zowel de gerotor- als de tandwieltechnologie. DCS International BV
Stand E06 Kobelt Brakes Kobelt schroefasremmen bieden veiligheid en ondersteuning voor vasthoud-, parkeer- DCS International BV
Stand E06 Kobelt Mechanical engine controls Kobelt is een wereldleider in duurzame, hoogwaardige mechanische motorbedieningen. DCS International BV
Stand E06 Kobelt Mighty Mariner Propulsion Control System Cost-effective, easy to configure electronic propulsion control system. The DCS International BV
Stand C07 Las T-Stukken EN 10153-2 P235GH The Welding T-Pieces according to standard EN 10253-2 P235GH FlexInd B.V.
Stand C07 Lasbochten 3D 90º – P235GH The steel welding elbows sold from stock by FlexInd FlexInd B.V.
Stand F48 LED BOX 300W STAINLESS STEEL heavy duty floodlight Stainless Steel LED BOX 300W 51,000 Lumen Stainless Steel Vocare Ledlight
Stand C32 Lifting systems The lifting systems are specifically developed for any type Ruijtenberg Shipyard
Stand L36 Lijnmateriaal Een compleet programma van de meest uiteenlopende componenten voor EL-CON, Powergrid Solutions B.V
Stand I45 Liquid Shipping HGK Liquid Chemicals Shipping – using experience to reach HGK Shipping Gmbh
Stand K25 Lopolight Control Hub Bedienen en monitoren van navigatieverlichting of andere apparatuur via Lopolight Aps
Stand K25 Lopolight Portable Navigation light Battery powered portable navigation light Lopolight Aps
Stand K18 LOW PRESSURE COMPRESSION, SOLDER AND PRESS FITTINGS & COPPER TUBE VSH brass compression fittings for the gastight and watertight J.B. Hydraulics BV
Stand H21 Machining – Van der Leun Metaalbewerking Our professional machining operation features the most modern equipment, Van der Leun Installatiebouw BV
Stand K18 MALLEABLE FITTINGS, WELDED BENDS, WELD FITTINGS & FLANGES Fittings are used for gas and central heating systems J.B. Hydraulics BV
Stand E21 MarFlex Ballast Deepwell Pump Concentric (MBDPC) Ballast equipment is crucial for the operation of tankers. Marflex
Stand E21 MarFlex Deepwell cargo pump The MarFlex deepwell cargo pump is a vertical single-stage Marflex
Stand E21 MarFlex Super Stripping Pump (MSSP) The MarFlex Super Stripping Pump creates a partial vacuum Marflex
Stand F04 Maritime Logistics Through innovative and reliable services, VT offers optimal support Vt Group Verenigde Tankrederij B.V., Rotterdam
Stand L36 Materialen voor paneelbouw For the electrical low-voltage panel construction industry (distribution boxes, EL-CON, Powergrid Solutions B.V
Stand I35 Meander als tweede thuis Bij Meander voelen kinderen zich vrij en veilig en Stichting Meander
Stand K18 MEASURING INSTRUMENTS Comprehensive range of Stauff test couplings, pressure gauges (mechanical J.B. Hydraulics BV
Stand J24 MecLev – Mechanical Levelling MecLev – Mechanical Levelling The MecLev® is an adjustable Rubber Design Bv
Stand L46 MecVel actuators max. load till 200.000N CUSTOM PRODUCTS The customization service offered by MecVel allows Aandrijf- en Besturingstechniek Hartholt V.O.F.
Stand L46 MecVel ElektroCilinder HRS 50(-P)…200(-P) De HRS is met name bedoeld voor de zware Aandrijf- en Besturingstechniek Hartholt V.O.F.
Stand H21 Metalworks van der Leun Metal machining Cutting operations, sheet-metal working, and construction work Van der Leun Installatiebouw BV
Stand H21 Mobile Application Scio Royal Van der Leun launches the all-new Scio app Van der Leun Installatiebouw BV
Stand J24 MP / MP Stainless Steel – Multi Purpose Anti-vibration Mount MP / MP Stainless Steel – Multi Purpose Anti-vibration Rubber Design Bv
Stand D32 N40 Stage V Engine 125kW IWP The FPT marine engine motor met Stage V ! Marant Motortechniek
Stand D38 nC Corrosion Passivator Fluid – Floatcoat For hard-to-reach areas, we’ve developed Corrosion Passivator – Float nC Protect - Stop Corrosie
Stand D38 nC Corrosion Passivator Primer 2-in-1 In demanding marine and industrial environments, our products offer nC Protect - Stop Corrosie
Stand C32 Nieuwbouw New construction In the past 100 years, Ruijtenberg Shipyard Ruijtenberg Shipyard
Stand L07 Non-Ferro Products Non-ferro Triofast supplies high-quality fasteners made from a wide Triofast BV
Stand A06 OMEC – Permanent Magnetic Motor PM Motors Series: PM Synchronous High Efficiency – Low Omec Motors
Stand K14 Our own validated CESNI nautical navigation simulator. Nautic Value also means a good education. Naval Inland Naval Inland Navigation
Stand H21 Parts & Trading – Van der Leun Electrical Marine Systems Do you want independent advice on delivery of parts Van der Leun Installatiebouw BV
Stand B12 Periskal Binnenvaart RADAR 3.0 Periskal and Captain AI join forces for groundbreaking innovation Periskal
Stand B12 Periskal Fleetmanagement Periskal offers a web application for fleetmanagement, with a Periskal
Stand Exposanten Lounge Port of Amsterdam International BV The port of Amsterdam is one of the major Easyfairs Netherlands
Stand F01 Portable VHF ATEX IIC/T4 Portable VHF ATEX IIC/T4 The SAILOR SP3530 is an Dutch Marine Technology BV
Stand H21 Power Management System (PMS/AMS) Van der Leun’s power management system monitors and controls Van der Leun Installatiebouw BV
Stand D14 Prefered supplier of Helly Hansen We are a preferred supplier of Helly Hansen, specialized Outfit company wear
Stand J01 Professional sun blinds Originally the sun blinds of Observator Vision have been Observator Vision
Stand J04 Profiles, beams, Flag Profiles and square tubes on stock with Sigmaweld MC! ODS BV; Your partner in the Maritime sector! We ODS BV
Stand H21 PROXIMITY SWITCH SPS20 – Van der Leun Electrical Marine Systems We work aboard vessels that are deployed in very Van der Leun Installatiebouw BV
Stand H21 Proximity switches sps 20- Van der Leun Van der Leun proximity switches can be used for Van der Leun Installatiebouw BV
Stand K14 QHSSE : Quality, Health, Safety, Security & Environment Naval Inland Navigation houdt van duidelijke doelstellingen. We zijn Naval Inland Navigation
Stand K18 QUICK RELEASE COUPLINGS Wide range of quick release couplings for every medium. J.B. Hydraulics BV
Stand E21 Rainwater Draining Pump System The ‘Rainwater Draining Pump System’ is an innovation in Marflex
Stand J04 Reduce your total costs with our 3D tube laser! Do you want to reduce your internal costs? This ODS BV
Stand E18 Repair & Maintenance Whenever your ship breaks down, your valuable time is Scheepswerf Boer
Stand H30 Repair ship’s propeller For all your questions about your ship propeller, please Jooren Scheepsschroeven B.V.
Stand H30 Repairing Ship Propellers We Repair Ship Propellers and CPP Blades. But also Jooren Scheepsschroeven B.V.
Stand H30 Repairing Ship Propellers The measurement, alignment, welding and finishing of a ship’s Jooren Scheepsschroeven B.V.
Stand H30 Repairing Ship Propellers If you have problems with your ship’s propeller or Jooren Scheepsschroeven B.V.
Stand H30 Repairing Ship Propellers – Green Award Jooren Scheepsschroeven has developed an edge, the ‘Green Screw Jooren Scheepsschroeven B.V.
Stand H30 Repairing Ship Propellers -CPP Of course Jooren Scheepsschroef also repairs the loose CPP Jooren Scheepsschroeven B.V.
Stand C32 Repairs Ruijtenberg Shipyard has two repair quays, an outfitting jetty Ruijtenberg Shipyard
Stand J24 Rubber Bellows Rubber Bellows Flexibility in pipework is indispensable in today’s Rubber Design Bv
Stand C07 Rubber expansion joint with flanges Rubber compensator with flanges PN10/16 L=130 available from DN FlexInd B.V.
Stand L55 Running Sample Tube Running sample Tube: Bottle fills gradually while lowering from Tank-Eye
Stand B22 Scanreco RC 400 Mini Scanreco transmitter RC400 G2B mini: 6 levers Stop function Remote Control Parts BV
Stand E32 SEAFAR Control System & Service Seafar offers the technology and service to operate crew-reduced Seafar NV
Stand L28 SECUMAR Golf 275 AS 275N inflatable lifejacket for protection at work on special SECUMAR benelux b.v.
Stand L28 SECUMAR Golf 275 FR AC Proven universal commercial 275N lifejacket with antistatic and flame SECUMAR benelux b.v.
Stand L28 SECUMAR Sierra 300 NEON A new generation of lifejackets for demanding use. A SECUMAR benelux b.v.
Stand C32 Service We are available 24/7 for malfunctions. Ruijtenberg Shipyard repairs Ruijtenberg Shipyard
Stand L32 Service partners in multiple regions In general, NRF box coolers are a maintenance free Nederlandse Radiateuren Fabriek Bv
Stand H21 Services & Strategic Maintenance – Van der Leun Electrical Marine Systems As far as possible, we want to prevent malfunctions Van der Leun Installatiebouw BV
Stand H21 Sheet working – Van der Leun Metaalbewerking Sheet working has always been one of the specialties Van der Leun Installatiebouw BV
Stand E48 Shipbuilding We are shipbuilders building the complete tanker/seacoaster THG Transportvermittlungs- und Handelsgesellschaft mit beschränkter Haftung
Stand C07 Silicone bellows “Blue” Lloyds Type Approval FlexInd’s silicone bellows are perfectly resistant to both high FlexInd B.V.
Stand I48 Slimme keuzes voor morgen. Hoe verzeker je dat? Samen vooruitdenken. Begin op Samen vooruitdenken. Begin op Rabobank
Stand E21 Smart Pumping Solution Smart Pumping is a system for simultaneous, automatic, energy-efficient Marflex
Stand L07 Special products Specials Do you need specific fasteners? Triofast supplies them. Triofast BV
Stand K54 ST Autonomous Lane Assist Enhance navigation with our ST ALA, our advanced AI Shipping technology
Stand K54 ST BRAIN Introducing the ST BRAIN: The ultimate onboard technology transforming Shipping technology
Stand K54 ST Emission Reporting Discover ST Emission Reporting: Refine Your Emission Management with Shipping technology
Stand K54 ST Fleetview & Dashboard Discover ST Fleetview: Your entire fleet at a glance, Shipping technology
Stand K54 ST Operational Reporting Introducing ST Operational Reporting: Elevate Your Fleet’s Performance with Shipping technology
Stand K40 Stage V after treatment In 2019 Koedood Dieselservice took the first steps towards Koedood Marine Group
Stand C07 Stainless steel compensator with welded ends Stainless steel compensator with welded ends – available from FlexInd B.V.
Stand G04 Startmotoren Nieuw of gereviseerde startmotoren voor alle typen scheepsmotoren uit Van Andel Rotterdam B.V.
Stand K18 STAUFF Compression Fittings Cutting ring fittings according to DIN 2353 / ISO J.B. Hydraulics BV
Stand K18 STAUFF Form Tube Forming System In technical terms, the DIN couplings in combination with J.B. Hydraulics BV
Stand K18 STAUFF Tube, Pipe and Hose Clamps or more than 50 years, STAUFF Clamps symbolise quick J.B. Hydraulics BV
Stand E18 Stirs & Rudders We are highly experienced in constructing and repairing rudders, Scheepswerf Boer
Stand H21 System activities – Van der Leun Electrical Marine Systems In the realisation of your new electronic systems, we Van der Leun Installatiebouw BV
Stand I07 TAB AGM Stop&Go batteries TAB AGM Stop&Go batteries are Valve Regulated Lead Acid TAB Benelux
Stand I07 TAB EFB Stop&Go Automotive batteries TAB EFB Stop&Go automotive batteries are so called Enhanced TAB Benelux
Stand I07 TAB EFB STOP&GO BATTERIES TAB EFB Stop&Go automotive batteries are so called Enhanced TAB Benelux
Stand I07 TAB Magic Automotive batteries TAB Magic automotive battery utilises the latest innovations in TAB Benelux
Stand I07 TAB MAGIC TRUCK BATTERIES TAB Magic Truck commercial vehicle batteries utilises the latest TAB Benelux
Stand I07 TAB Polar Automotive Batteries TAB Polar is a battery produced using Ca/Ca expanded TAB Benelux
Stand I07 TAB Polar Truck Batteries TAB Polar Truck is designed for commercial vehicles with TAB Benelux
Stand F52 Tercoo ontroesting Tercoo in Shipping: Essential Maintenance for Cutters Tercoo is MTC Coating BV
Stand H20 Tercoo schijven zijn perfect voor het verwijderen van roest, verf. teer, antifouling, gelcoat, lijm en kit. Tercoo B.V.
Stand H21 The Battery van der Leun In collaboration with van Alfen we present: The plug Van der Leun Installatiebouw BV
Stand J38 The Multipulsion® With our patented Multipulsion® principle, we created a balanced, Promarin Nederland
Stand L46 TOS RT/MRT ….A Motorreductor TOS Wormwielreductoren van Europese kwaliteit, scherpe prijs, compact en Aandrijf- en Besturingstechniek Hartholt V.O.F.
Stand A24 Transducer Ultrasonic Transducer for SH08 Power consumption average 3.6 W Lamers System Care
Stand L36 Transformer connections Fabricage en montage van koper railsystemen 10kV en 20kV EL-CON, Powergrid Solutions B.V
Stand K14 Transport dry cargo : River Drone 1 Naval Inland Navigation proudly presents its new activities in Naval Inland Navigation
Stand K14 Transport Liquids : Transportation of mineral oils and fuel oils from or to refineries or depots. As a charterer, we intervene in the drawing up Naval Inland Navigation
Stand F45 Trelawny VL219ES electric Needle Scaler 230V The VL219ES Trelawny’s expertise as a manufacturer of scaling STEELCON V.O.F
Stand D14 Trusted supplier of the Damen clothing collection For Damen, the first special-made collection was developed in Outfit company wear
Stand D14 Trusted supplier of the Damen clothing collection For Damen, the first special-made collection was developed in Outfit company wear
Stand G27 Two component high solid Polycoat HS coating. A high quality two component high solids polyester reinforced Shipcoat BV
Stand A24 Ultrasoon Systeem SH08-IP65 The Ultrasonic System SH08-IP65 is a preventive measure against Lamers System Care
Stand L55 UTImeter Gtex SS1-Q2 15m tape UTImeter Gtex SS1-Q2 15m tape Portable Closed Gas Tight Tank-Eye
Stand L30 UV-C Cooler CORROSION has developed an alternative, non-chemical antifouling solution in Corrosion
Stand E12 Vaardocumenten Sailing documents The SAB provides, checks and ensures further SAB Stichting Afvalstoffen & Vaardocumenten Binnenvaart
Stand L07 Various fastening materials Triofast supplies a complete range of fasteners. A range Triofast BV
Stand J43 Various special metals Van Pelt Recycling specializes in the appraisal and purchase Van Pelt Recycling BV
Stand F01 VHF IC-M605Euro with horn We now supply the IC-M605Euro VHF radio from Icom Dutch Marine Technology BV
Stand G04 Victron acculaders en omvormers Volautomatische acculaders voor gebruik op schepen. Instelbaar voor tractiebatterijen Van Andel Rotterdam B.V.
Stand E40 Vidol is committed to more sailing hours at lower costs. This is achieved through the use of premium lubricants, fuels and continuous monitoring of the oil. After all, prevention prevents failure. Vidol BV
Stand F48 VOC-D04G-100W/ 16.000 Lumen SUPERPOWER stainless steel LED Multi-focus floodlight The VOC-D04G-100W is a robust high-quality stainless steel LED Vocare Ledlight
Stand F48 VOC-D04G-50W / 8.000 Lumen High quality stainless steel LED Floodlight The VOC-D04G-50W is a rugged high-quality stainless steel LED Vocare Ledlight
Stand F48 VOCARE LED MAX SPORT ULTRALUX 300W/ 51.000 Lumen Stainless steel LED floodlight The Ultra-Lux 300W/ 51,000 Lumen Heavy duty stainless steel Vocare Ledlight
Stand F48 VOCARE XLT 100 watt stainless steel LED super power floodlight The XLT-100W Stainless steel is a powerful high-quality LED Vocare Ledlight
Stand F48 VOCARE XLT 200W/ 34.000 Lumen SUPERPOWER multi-focus stainless steel LED floodlight The XLT-200W is a powerful high-quality LED floodlight suitable Vocare Ledlight
Stand F48 VOCARE XLT 300W/ 51.000 Lumen Stainless steel LED super power multi-focus floodlight The XLT-300W stainless steel is a powerful high-quality LED Vocare Ledlight
Stand F45 Von Arx 12B Needle scaler A pneumatic needle scaler, straight model with 12 sharp STEELCON V.O.F
Stand F45 Von Arx 23B Needle scaler A pneumatic needle scaler, with handle grip, with 19 STEELCON V.O.F
Stand F45 Von Arx 34B Needle scaler A pneumatic needle scaler, with handle grip with 28 STEELCON V.O.F
Stand F45 Von Arx FR200 Scarifier 230V The FR 200 handles a variety of different jobs, STEELCON V.O.F
Stand F45 Von Arx NP23K Needle scaler A pneumatic, low vibration needle scaler, with handle grip STEELCON V.O.F
Stand G27 WB White heat-resistance renovation coating. Waterborne white heat-resistant and renovating coating. For beautifying and Shipcoat BV
Stand G05 Wheelhouse heating Speedheat installs over more than 25 years electrical underfloor Speedheat Breda
Stand C32 Wheelhouses Wheelhouses The Ruijtenberg Shipyard wheelhouses are made of high-quality Ruijtenberg Shipyard
Stand C32 Winches winches Ruijtenberg Shipyard supplies electric, hydraulic and pneumatic winches Ruijtenberg Shipyard
Stand J01 Window wipers Originally the window wipers of Observator Vision have been Observator Vision
Stand C40 X20 Outboard The ePropulsion X20 is the new electric propulsion system Drinkwaard Motoren BV
Stand C40 X40 Outboard The ePropulsion X40 is the new electric propulsion system Drinkwaard Motoren BV
Stand C07 Zuren – Beitsen – Passiveren FlexCoating, een specialist van zuren, beitsen en passiveren van FlexInd B.V.